Tin Perkov
Faculty of Teacher Education, Chair of Mathematics and Statistics
Savska cesta 77, HR-10000 Zagreb
e-mail: tin.perkov[at]ufzg.hr
Research interests
modal logic, model theory, modal definability, correspondence theory
1. Towards a generalization of modal definability, in: D. Lassiter, M. Slavkovik (eds.): New Directions in Logic, Language, and Computation, Springer, 2012.
2. (with M. Vuković) Some characterization and preservation theorems in modal logic, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (2012) 1928-1939.
3. Tableau-based bisimulation invariance testing, Reports on Mathematical Logic 48 (2013) 101-115.
4. A generalization of modal frame definability, in: M. Colinet et al. (eds.): Pristine Perspectives on Logic, Language, and Computation, Springer, 2014.
5. A 4-valued framework encompassing intuitionistic and classical logic, Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 24 (2014) 138-143.
6. (with M. Vuković) A bisimulation characterization for interpretability logic, Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (2014) 872-879.
7. (with M. Vuković) Filtrations of generalized Veltman models, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (2016) 412-419.
8. Natural deduction for modal logic of judgment aggregation, Journal of Logic, Language and Information 25 (2016) 335-354.
9. (with L. Mikec, M. Vuković) Decidability of interpretability logics ILM0 i ILW*, Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (2017) 758-772.
10. Abstract logical constants, Logica Universalis 12 (2018) 341-350.
11. The McCulloch-Pitts paper from the perspective of mathematical logic, in: S. Skansi (ed.): Guide to Deep Learning Basics. Logical, Historical and Philosophical Perspectives, Springer, 2020.
12. (with L. Mikec) Existential definability of modal frame classes, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (2020) 316-325.
13. A note on logicality of generalized quantifiers, Logica Universalis 15 (2021) 149-152.
14. (with L. Mikec) Tableau-based translation from first-order logic to modal logic, Reports on Mathematical Logic 56 (2021) 57-74.
15. (with S. Horvat, M. Vuković) Bisimulations and bisimulation games between Verbrugge models, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 69 (2023) 231-243.
16. Bisimulations between Verbrugge models and Veltman models, in: H.H. Hansen et al. (eds.): Proceedings of 29th International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information, and Computation (WoLLIC), Springer, 2023.
17. (with S. Horvat) Selection method for interpretability logic IL with respect to Verbrugge semantics, Rad HAZU, Matematičke znanosti 29 (2025) 23-35.
18. (with S. Horvat) A correspondence theorem for interpretability logic with respect to Verbrugge semantics, Logic Journal of the IGPL (2024) to appear
19. (with S. Marić) Decidability of inquisitive modal logic via filtrations, Studia Logica (2024) to appear