

Formal reasoning and semantics (FORMALS) was a research project funded by Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), grant UIP-2017-05-9219, for a period of 5 years, starting from December 1st, 2017.


S. Horvat, T. Perkov, M. Vuković: Bisimulations and bisimulation games between Verbrugge models, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 69 (2023) 231-243

B. Perak, T. Ban Kirigin: Construction Grammar Conceptual Network: Coordination-based graph method for semantic association analysis, Natural Language Engineering 29 (2023) 584-614

L. Mikec: Complexity of the interpretability logics ILW and ILP, Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (2023) 194-213

T. Adlešić, V. Čačić: A modern rigorous approach to stratification in NF/NFU, Logica Universalis 16 (2022) 451-468

A. Hatzivelkos, M. Maretić: Evaluating Compromise in Social Choice Functions, Journal of information and organizational sciences 46 (2022) 377-389

M.A. Alturki, T. Ban Kirigin, M. Kanovich, V. Nigam, A. Scedrov, C. Talcott: On the security and complexity of periodic systems, SN Computer Science 3 (5) 356 (2022) 1-22

E. Goris, M. Bílková, J.J. Joosten, L. Mikec: Theory and application of labelling techniques for interpretability logics, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (2022) 352-374

T. Ban Kirigin, S. Bujačić Babić, B. Perak: Graph-Based Taxonomic Semantic Class Labeling, Future Internet 14(12) 383 (2022) 1-22

T. Ban Kirigin, S. Bujačić Babić, B. Perak: Semi-local integration measure of node importance, Mathematics 10(3) 405 (2022) 1-16

M. A. Alturki, T. Ban Kirigin, M. Kanovich, V. Nigam, A. Scedrov, C. Talcott: On the formalization and computational complexity of resilience problems for cyber-physical systems, in: H. Seidel et al. (eds.): Theoretical Aspects of Computing – ICTAC 2022, Springer (2022) 96-113

M. Kanovich, T. Ban Kirigin, V. Nigam, A. Scedrov, C. Talcott: On the complexity of verification of time-sensitive distributed systems, in: D. Dougherty et al. (eds.): Protocols, Strands, and Logic, Essays Dedicated to Joshua Guttman on the Occasion of his 66.66th Birthday, Springer (2021) 251-275

T. Perkov, L. Mikec: Tableau-based translation from first-order logic to modal logic, Reports on Mathematical Logic 56 (2021) 57-74

T. Ban Kirigin, S. Bujačić Babić, B. Perak: Lexical sense labeling and sentiment potential analysis using corpus-based dependency graph, Mathematics 9(12) 1449 (2021) 1-22

T. Perkov: A note on logicality of generalized quantifiers, Logica Universalis 15 (2021) 149-152

A. A. Urquiza, M. A. Alturki, T. Ban Kirigin, M. Kanovich, V. Nigam, A. Scedrov, C. Talcott: Resource and timing aspects of security protocols, Journal of Computer Security 29 (2021) 299-340

M. A. Alturki, T. Ban Kirigin, M. Kanovich, V. Nigam, A. Scedrov, C. Talcott: On security analysis of periodic systems: expressiveness and complexity, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy – ICISSPSciTePress Digital Library (2021) 43-54

L. Mikec, M. Vuković: Interpretability logics and generalised Veltman semantics, The Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (2020) 749-772

T. Perkov, L. Mikec: Existential definability of modal frame classes, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (2020) 316-325

B. Perak, T. Ban Kirigin: Corpus-Based Syntactic-Semantic Graph Analysis: Semantic Domains of the Concept Feeling, Rasprave: Časopis Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 46 (2020) 493-532

T. Ban Kirigin, B. Perak: There’s No Time, The Problem of Conceptualising Time, in: V. Nigam et al. (eds.): Logic, Language, and Security, Essays Dedicated to Andre Scedrov on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, Springer (2020) 61-68

A. Urquiza, M. AlTurki, M. Kanovich, T. Ban Kirigin, V. Nigam, A. Scedrov, C. Talcott: Resource-Bounded Intruders in Denial of Service Attacks, 2019 IEEE 32nd Computer Security Foundations Symposium CSF 2019 Proceedings, IEEE Xplore Digital Library (2019) 382-396

M. A. Alturki, T. Ban Kirigin, M. Kanovich, V. Nigam, A. Scedrov, C. Talcott: A Multiset Rewriting Model for Specifying and Verifying Timing Aspects of Security Protocols, in: J. D. Guttman et al. (eds.): Foundations of Security, Protocols, and Equational Reasoning. Essays Dedicated to Catherine A. Meadows, Springer (2019) 192-213

L. Mikec, F. Pakhomov, M. Vuković: Complexity of the interpretability logic ILLogic Journal of the IGPL 27 (2019) 1-7

T. Perkov: Abstract logical constants, Logica Universalis 12 (2018) 341-350

A. Hatzivelkos: Borda and plurality comparison with regard to compromise as a Sorites paradox, Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems – INDECS 16 (2018) 465-484

M. A. Alturki, M. Kanovich, T. Ban Kirigin, V. Nigam, A. Scedrov, C. Talcott: Statistical Model Checking of Distance Fraud Attacks on the Hancke-Kuhn Family of Protocols, Proceedings of the 2018 Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security and PrivaCy (CPS-SPC), ACM Digital Library (2018) 60-71


T. Adlešić, V. Čačić: Alternative axiomatization of NFU, Logic and Applications (LAP 2022), Dubrovnik, 26-29 September 2022

M. Kanovich, T. Ban Kirigin, V. Nigam, A. Scedrov, C. Talcott: Properties of time-sensitive distributed systems: verification and complexity, Logic and Applications (LAP 2022), Dubrovnik, 26-29 September 2022

S. Horvat, T. Perkov, M. Vuković: A good method of transforming Veltman into Verbrugge models, Logic and Applications (LAP 2022), Dubrovnik, 26-29 September 2022

T. Adlešić, V. Čačić: Tarski’s theorem about choice and the alternative axiomatic extension of NFU, Logic Colloquium, Reykjavik, Island, 27 June – 1 July 2022

S. Horvat, T. Perkov, M. Vuković: A new notion of bisimulations of Verbrugge semantics, 7th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Split, 15-18 June 2022

T. Perkov: Hennessy-Milner theorem for bisimulations between Veltman models and Verbrugge models, 7th Croatian Mathematical Congress, Split, 15-18 June 2022

S. Horvat: Bisimulations for generalised Veltman semantics, 6th Faculty of Science PhD Student Simposium (PhDSS 2022), Zagreb, 23-24 April 2022

T. Perkov: Bisimulations between Veltman models and generalized Veltman models, Logic4Peace, online, 22-23 April 2022

A. Hatzivelkos: Total optimization of the divergence from the compromise, 2022 Meeting of the European Public Choice Society (EPCS 2022), Braga, 11-14 April 2022

T. Adlešić: A modern rigorous approach to stratification in NF/NFU, 7th World Congress and School on Universal Logic (UNILOG 2022), Orthodox Academy of Crete, 1-11 April 2022

B. Perak, T. Ban Kirigin: Dependency-based labeling of associative lexical communities, Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems (CECIIS 2021), online, 13-15 October 2021

T. Adlešić, V. Čačić: Formal approach to stratification in NF/NFU, Logic and Applications (LAP 2021), Dubrovnik, 20-24 September 2021

M. A. AlTurki, T. Ban Kirigin, M. Kanovich, V. Nigam, A. Scedrov, C. Talcott: Periodic systems: safety, security, and complexity, Logic and Applications (LAP 2021), Dubrovnik, 20-24 September 2021

S. Horvat, T. Perkov, M. Vuković: n-bisimulations for generalised Veltman semantics, Logic and Applications (LAP 2021), Dubrovnik, 20-24 September 2021

B. Perak, J. Čulig Suknaić: In search of the beauty and the beast. Antonymy in syntactic constructions, 35th International Conference of Croatian Applied Linguistic Society – Language in the Digital Environment (HDPL 2021), Osijek, 9-11 September 2021

T. Perkov: Logical constants in abstract frameworks, Logica Universalis Webinar (LUW), 18 August 2021

A. Hatzivelkos: Axiomatic approach to the notion of compromise, International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN 2021), online, 6-10 June 2021

M. A. Alturki, T. Ban Kirigin, M. Kanovich, V. Nigam, A. Scedrov, C. Talcott: On security analysis of periodic systems: expressiveness and complexity, International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), online, 11-13 February 2021

A. A. Urquiza, M. A. Al Turki, M. Kanovich, T. Ban Kirigin, V. Nigam, A. Scedrov, C. Talcott: Modelling resource and timing aspects of security protocols, Logic and Applications (LAP 2020), Dubrovnik, 21-25 September 2020

L. Mikec, J. J. Joosten, M. Vuković: A W-flavoured series of interpretability principles, Advances in Modal Logic (AiML 2020), Helsinki (online), 24-28 August 2020

L. Mikec: Syntax, semantics and labellings for interpretability logic, Seminar on Proof Theory and Foundations of Mathematics, Barcelona, 28 February 2020

B. Perak: Modelling the semantic relations within texts using the UD NLP tools for syntactic parsing, Neo4j graph database for storing and Igraph for network analysis, Graph Technologies in the Digital Humanities 2020, Vienna, 21-22 February 2020

L. Mikec: Complexity of interpretability logics, Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles (WORMSHOP 2019), Barcelona, 5-8 November 2019

A. Hatzivelkos, B. Stojanović: Minimization of the d-measure of divergence from the compromise, Logic and Applications (LAP 2019), Dubrovnik, 23-27 September 2019

T. Perkov: Tableau-based translation from first-order logic to modal logic, International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX 2019), London, 3-5 September 2019

B. Perak: Croatian parliamentary debates network analysis of the conceptualized emotion categories, Words as a Battlefield (WAB 2019), Maribor, 5-6 April 2019

B. Perak: Extracting emotion constructions from linguistic corpora, Between Past and Present – Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Emotions, Zagreb, 18-19 October 2018

L. Mikec, T. PerkovExistentially valid formulas corresponding to some normal modal logics, Advances in Modal Logic (AiML 2018), Bern, 27-31 August 2018

T. Perkov: Logicality of generalized quantifiers, Quantity in Language and Thought, ESSLLI 2018 workshop, Sofia, 13-17 August 2018

M. A. Al Turki, M. Kanovich, T. Ban Kirigin, V. Nigam, A. Scedrov, C. Talcott: Statistical model checking of guessing and timing attacks on distance-bounding protocols, Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security (FCS 2018), Oxford, 8 July 2018



The 5th and final workshop Formal Reasoning and Semantics (FORMALS 2022) was held at the Inter-University Center Dubrovnik (IUC) and online as a part of the 11th conference Logic and Applications (LAP 2022) 26-29 September 2022.


V. Nigam: Automating safety proofs about cyber-physical systems using rewriting modulo SMT
T. Ban Kirigin, S. Bujačić Babić, Benedikt Perak: Semi-local integration centrality for complex networks
T. Ban Kirigin, S. Bujačić Babić, Benedikt Perak: Syntactic dependency networks: cognitive aspects of hierarhical multi-layer structures
A. Hatzivelkos: On p-Disapproval voting characterization
L. Mikec: FORMALS contributions overview (2018–2022)
Y. Petrukhin: Cut-free hypersequent calculus for a non-contingency version of S5

Abstracts are available online.


The 4th workshop Formal Reasoning and Semantics (FORMALS 2021) was held at the Inter-University Center Dubrovnik (IUC) and online as a part of the 10th conference Logic and Applications (LAP 2021) 20-24 September 2021.

V. Nigam – Soft-Agents: A Symbolic Verification Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems (invited talk)
T. Adlešić – Quine’s New foundations and paradoxes
T. Ban Kirigin, S. Bujačić Babić, B. Perak – Building a Sentiment Dictionary for Croatian
T. Ban Kirigin, S. Bujačić Babić, B. Perak – Sentiment Potential Analysis
T. Ban Kirigin, S. Bujačić Babić, B. Perak – Implementing Sentiment Dictionary into Vader Sentiment Analysis for Croatian
S. Horvat – Bisimulation games for (generalized) Veltman semantics
J. Raclavský – The rule of existential generalisation, its derivability and formal semantics
A. Hatzivelkos, M. Maretić – A note about disapproval voting
L. Mikec, J. J. Joosten, A. Visser, M. Vuković – On proving interpretability principles arithmetically sound
L. Conti – Abstraction’s Logicality and Invariance
Y. Petrukhin – Normalisation for some infectious logics with non-standard disjunction elimination rules
Abstracts are available online.


The 3rd workshop Formal Reasoning and Semantics (FORMALS 2020) was held at the Inter-University Center Dubrovnik (IUC) and online as a part of the 9th conference Logic and Applications (LAP 2020) 21-25 September 2020.


L. Conti: A model for a free way out of Russell’s Paradox
A. Hatzivelkos: Axiomatic modelling of notion of compromise in social choice theory
S. Horvat: Smart labels in proofs of completeness of interpretability logics
S. Jelić (invited talk): Multi-valued logic in M-system theory
M. Maretić: A survey of online exam proctoring
L. Mikec, J. Joosten, M. Vuković: On ILWR-frames
V. Nigam (invited talk): Incremental automated safety and security reasoning with patterns
B. Perak, T. Ban Kirigin: ConGraCNet 0.3: Corpus-based graph syntactic-semantic relations analysis

Abstracts of all talks at the conference Logic and Applications (LAP 2020), including the workshop, are available online.


The 2st workshop Formal Reasoning and Semantics took place at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Zagreb, 17-18 June 2019.


V. Nigam (invited talk): Symbolic timed trace equivalence [abstract]
L. Mikec, T. PerkovTechniques and results concerning relationships between modal -logics [abstract]
S. Horvat: GL1 is PSPACE-complete [abstract]
I. Kuzmanović Ivičić, J. Benić: On the relation of multi-valued logics and M-system theory [abstract]
B. Perak: Combining the conceptual analysis with social network analysis [abstract]
T. Ban Kirigin: Specifying and verifying timing aspects of security protocols [abstract]


The 1st workshop Formal Reasoning and Semantics (FORMALS 2018) was held at the Inter-University Center Dubrovnik (IUC) as a part of the 7th conference Logic and Applications (LAP 2018) 24-28 September 2018.


M. Maretić: On geometric aspects of multiple conclusion natural deductions
B. Perak, T. Ban Kirigin: Corpus-based approach to the extraction of the emotional concepts and their ontological relations using the natural language logic operators
A. Hatzivelkos: Mathematical model for notion of compromise in social choice theory
B. Stojanović: Propositional and first-order logic formalizations of social welfare functions
T. Perkov: Formalizations of social choice theory in modal logic
V. Nigam (invited talk): Towards the formal verification of Industry 4.0 applications
L. Mikec: Complexity of the interpretability logic IL


B. Perak: Ontology of the language communication and the structure of meaning
T. Perkov: Introduction to modal logic: a semantic approach


Abstracts of all talks at the conference Logic and Applications (LAP 2018) are available online, including the introduction to the workshop and abstracts of workshop talks (pp. 48-62). Slides are also available.

Other activities

T. Perkov: Modal logics of provability and interpretability (advanced course, 10 hours), Logic and Computation track of European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2018), Sofia, 6-17 August 2018

B. Perak lead the panel Linguistic diversity, construal and conceptualization at the conference CLARC 2018 (Perspectives on Linguistic Diversity), Rijeka, 8-10 June 2018.

The paper T. Perkov: Abstract logical constants is awarded Georgius Benignus Logic Prize for 2017 by Croatian Logic Association, presented at 6th World Congress on Universal Logic (UNILOG 2018), Vichy, 16-26 June 2018 and published in the journal Logica Universalis.

L. Mikec implemented the procedure for tableau-based translation from first-order logic to modal logic. It is available here as of September 2019.

Research group

Tin Perkov

Tajana Ban Kirigin

Marcel Maretić

Benedikt Perak

Mandi Orlić Bachler

Luka Mikec

Nikolina Iris Filipović

Aleksandar Hatzivelkos

Branimir Stojanović

Sebastijan Horvat

Tin Adlešić

Stipe Marić

Teo Šestak